Saturday, July 14, 2012


A typical small, street side BBQ place

The food of Sichuan province is amazing, way better than I ever expected. 

Noodles or dumplings are the fast food lunch items.  A bowl of noodles costs about $1.50.

Unfortunately, MSG is in everything.  

Hot peppers are in almost everything.

Canola oil is heavily used.

I’ve eaten corn on the cob with a chopstick skewer.  It’s so easy!

The same kinds of food are served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  There is no just breakfast food or just dinner food.

I need a full chin to knees bib because I’m ruining all of my clothes from chopstick malfunction stains.

My host family drying leaves of ????
and 3 types of mushrooms on their balcony.
On the left: a fish tank with a few sad goldfish.

At home, everyone gets a small bowl for rice.  5-6 main dishes are placed in the middle, and then everyone eats out of those main dishes.
During meals, everyone speaks loud and all at once with lots of energy.
That stray bone that ends up in your mouth, just gets spit on the table, but I can’t do it.

The view from my room.
This is as clear as it gets here.  There is ALWAYS a haze.

Signs in English are rare, for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Now I can picture where you are.


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